Random thoughts of an upbeat mind

Not up to much

Good golly I have not been here in a while.  I wish I had a great reason, but life has just been rather mundane.  I am still working out.  Still working.  Still trying to figure out life.

The exercising continues.  The weight loss not so much.  I am stronger.  The 3 lbs weights are not doing much so recently I moved up to 5 lbs which is challenging. I am starting to see some muscle definition in my arms and my clothes are getting looser. 🙂 So there is progress, just not fast enough for me.

I am going back into job search mode. The current job is boring and slow.  We have entered “busy” season and it seems like it applies to everyone but me.  I spend most days just staring at my computer. It is mind numbing and awful. I like the people I work with and the atmosphere but not challenging my brain all day is slowly killing me.

With March break being next week, I need to find some activities to occupy my girls.  Left to their own I think they would sleep all day and be up all night which would make the first week back to school a nightmare.  Diva went to their Dad’s last night.  I’m thinking she could stay there all week. Princess likes to be alone and she is a home body so she’ll be “ok”.  I’ll need to find something to keep her occupied.

Went for a massage this morning and it was lovely.  Why I don’t do this more often is beyond me.  Booked another one next month. 😉 Self care is high on my list of things to do this year.

Took my car in to get an oil change and they found that there are some minor repairs needed. A belt and a joint was an issue … I will need tires before next winter … Not impressed but such is the joy of car ownership. I now need to walk back to the mechanic to pick up my car.


Comments on: "Not up to much" (2)

  1. It is very stressful having a totally unchallenging job (I had a similar situation a few jobs back and it was worse than an over-work situation. You’ve done well to keep up the exercise and not “comfort eat”! It is hard with kids on school break. How long is March break? We have our next term break in April.

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