Random thoughts of an upbeat mind

Exercise recap

Monday morning:

Brain: “Girl, it’s time to get up and do a workout”
Body: “Are you sure?”
Brain: “Yes”
Body: “Ok”

Tuesday morning:

Brain: “Girl, it’s time to get up and do a workout”
Body: “Are you sure?”
Brain: “Yes”
Body: “Again?”
Brain: “Yes”
Body: “Ok”

Wednesday morning:

Brain: “Girl, it’s time to get up and do a workout”
Body: “Are you sure?”
Brain: “Yes”
Body: “Again?”
Brain: “Yes”
Body: “But I hurt”
Brain: “No pain, no gain”
Body: “Ok”

Thursday morning:

Brain: “Girl, it’s time to get up and do a workout”
Body: “But I hurt”
Brain: “Come on. No pain, no gain. Remember?”
Body: “#$%#$^% off”

I was doing so well, but then I felt like I needed a rest day and that turned into 2 rest days. Then yesterday I met up with some friends and we walked 4 kms, very slowly but I am feeling it. Today I did an ab workout with my youngest and decided we need to do that more often. My core is weak.

Went to a funeral for a distant cousin on Friday and saw a whole side of my family that I haven’t seen in 6 years. Sadly a few of them live in town so we have no good excuse. Took my Aunt and my Mom and was reminded that my family is getting older. I’m a bit concerned about my Aunt who lives alone in a senior’s building. Her short term memory is going. Twice on the way home she asked my Mom the same question. She is aware of it, but it still makes me wonder what the future may hold. This Aunt does not have any kids and I am the closest to her, so this may fall on me when the time comes.

I has a brilliant idea the other day to change my PT work schedule and instead of working Saturdays, work Sundays instead. This will free up Saturday evenings and I can regain some sort of social life. I was looking ahead to and there are so many events that I want to do that mostly happen on Saturdays. Trying to get my work/life balance to be a little more even. I will have to adjust my laundry and meal planning but I think it is doable and worthwhile.



Comments on: "Exercise recap" (1)

  1. Sounds like me! I wake up and think about going to the gym and say to myself “I can do this!” and some other part of me says, “Oh really?”

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