Random thoughts of an upbeat mind

This and that

Exercise was lacking last week, but I’m getting on it this week. I am going to Florida at the end of the month and I want to be in better shape. Mostly so the clothes that are in my closet might fit nicer. Really don’t want to buy new clothes.

Last week’s win was that I stopped eating at 8:30 pm on most nights. If I am not exercising, I will have to control my eating. I still eat most things although the acne on my chin seems to suggest I should lay off the dairy. I will be eating “cleaner” until my trip.

I saw Avengers: Endgame … all 3 glorious hours of it. I stopped drinking liquids at 3 pm before the 8 pm showing and was able to sit comfortably throughout the whole movie. It was a good show. My oldest was a hot mess at the end.

Took my car for an oil change and ended up buying 2 new tires as the mechanic found a nail in one of the tires. It was recommended that I get at least 2 tires for evenness or something of the nature. So that was a bit unexpected. Over the past 2 weeks, I have spent quite a bit so I am going to try to lay low for the rest of the month.

I changed my availability at my part time job so hopefully in a couple of weeks I can get my Saturday nights back and start socializing again.

I went to see a friend who recently got some bad news on the health front. It was sobering to see her so low energy. I was only there for about 30 minutes before she looked like she was ready to nap. This whole situation makes me very sad.

Reached out to my Dad today and was happy to learn that he is going out and meeting new people. In fact he is so busy, it makes me look bad. He seems to be making great strides with getting out there. It might be time for his daughter to follow suit. 😉

Comments on: "This and that" (2)

  1. You’ve had such a long haul of no weekend time for yourself – I hope you take full advantage of your new schedule! Florida sounds great.

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